

  • 有效载荷21000千克/ 46297磅

The 洛克希德 L-100-30 Hercules is a civilian model of 洛克希德’s C-130 Hercules, a military transport aircraft launched in 1954 和 still in production today. In total, 115 洛克希德 L-100s were delivered between 1964 和 1992, 和 55 are still in service. In 2017, a new variant of the 洛克希德 L-100-30 Hercules, 的L100J, made its maiden flight.

The 洛克希德 L-100 Hercules was designed to retain the form 和 replicate the capabilities of its military predecessor the C-130, 包括短途运输质量和货物装卸方便. 在1964年至1992年期间,共生产了115架飞机. In internal 洛克希德 communications the L-100 was known as "Model 382" or "Model 382B".

In 1968, the L-100’s fuselage was stretched for additional internal capacity 和 it was redesignated L-100-20. This was followed in 1970 by the L-100-30, stretched by a further seven feet. The L-100-30 variant is the most popular L-100, selling more than any of the other variants. 生产于1970年至1992年, the new revision had a 22-year production run; two decades longer than the two years during which the L-100-20 was manufactured.

The L-100-30 requires a minimum three-person crew: two pilots 和 a flight engineer. 它的有效载荷是51,000磅(23磅),133公斤)和飞机最大起飞重量(MTOW) 155,000磅(70磅),306 kg). 最高时速为354英里/小时(570公里/小时),000 ft (6,100 m), 往返范围为1,535英里(2英里),470 km). L-100-30配备了内置处理系统, ramp facilities 和 thrust reversers that allow the aircraft to operate without pushback, making it ideal for transporting cargo to remote 和 isolated destinations. It is also capable of taking off 和 l和ing on short runways (STOL) 和 rough terrain.

Despite the fact that 洛克希德 designed the L-100 series specifically for civilian use, the L-100 proved popular as a military aircraft 和 was used in this way by countries including 阿尔及利亚, 科威特, 阿根廷, 秘鲁, 印度尼西亚和沙特阿拉伯.

In 2017, 这是洛克希德L-100-30大力神的新原型机, 的L100J, 首航. 洛克希德-Martin expects to receive Federal Aviation Administration certification in 2018, 经过一年的飞行测试, 并计划在今年晚些时候将飞机交付给客户.


洛克希德 built the L-100 prototype in the early 1960s 和 the plane made its maiden flight on April 20, 1964. 型号认证发生在1965年初, with the first delivery (to Continental Air Services) completed that September. 1968年,L-100被加长为更长的L-100-20. Many of the original L-100s were literally “stretched” into L-100-20s or 30s, 包括阿拉斯加航空和达美航空的飞机. 这提供了更多的内部容量, making the model more appealing to airlines whose loads are typically more bulky 和 less heavy than military cargo. In 1970, the further stretched L-100-30 was introduced 和 became the st和ard L-100 model, with 洛克希德 manufacturing the plane into the Nineties (the last L-100-30 was delivered in 1992).


成立于1912年, the 洛克希德 Corporation was an American aerospace company based in San Francisco, 以及后来的伯班克和卡拉巴萨斯, 加州. 洛克希德 first came to public attention in the late Twenties with the Vega aircraft (built in 1927), a six-passenger monoplane that broke several records 和 was flown by high-profile pilots including Amelia Earhart, 乔治·休伯特·威尔金斯和威利·波斯特.

During World War II 洛克希德 was a major manufacturer of military aircraft, 包括哈德逊轰炸机, 由英国皇家空军和美国空军使用, 以及致命的P-38战斗机. 冷战时期, 该公司开发了潜射弹道导弹(SLBM)。, 包括海神和三叉戟核导弹, 和 was rocked by a series of corruption cases involving foreign investment. In 1991, 洛克希德, General Dynamics 和 Boeing collaborated on the development of the F-22 Raptor, 为美国空军研制的全天候隐形战斗机.

In 1995, 洛克希德 merged with Martin Marietta to form 洛克希德 Martin 和 relocated from Calabasas, 从加州到贝塞斯达, 马里兰. 今天, 洛克希德马丁公司雇佣了97人,000 people worldwide 和 is one of the world’s largest companies in the aerospace, 科技及保安行业, in addition to being the world’s largest defence contractor (based on revenue in 2013, 2014和2015).


At the time this article went to press, L-100-30s were listed for sale on Aircraft24 和 GlobalPlane搜索. 虽然这些飞机的价格没有披露, 历史上,l -100-30的价格在4美元之间.500和500万美元.


  • The 洛克希德 L-100-30 is a commercial version of the highly successful C-130 military aircraft. 洛克希德 has manufactured a total of 120 variations of the C-130 for the commercial market, 包括L100J, 哪艘船在2017年进行了首航.
  • 印尼 converted two of its L-100-30 aircraft to carry passengers during the Transmigration Program, during which l和less people from overcrowded areas were resettled in remoter regions such as Papua, 苏拉威西岛, 加里曼丹和苏门答腊岛.
  • 1988年6月7日, a 洛克希德 L-100-30 made what later became known as the “Friendship Flight” when Alaska 航空公司 broke through the Iron Curtain to reunite Alaskan natives with family members in the eastern USSR. Families had been separated when the USA 和 USSR closed the Bering Strait in 1948, but the Friendship Flight led governments to allow their native peoples to travel across the strait without visas.

如果您想包租洛克希德L-100大力神,请访问我们的 货物租船页.





  • 有效载荷 21000公斤/ 46297磅
  • 货舱大小(LxWxH) 1609x301x260 CM / 633"x118"x102"
  • 门的尺寸 301x260 CM / 118"x102"
  • 范围 中程


  • 总载重量 140 m³/ 4944'³
  • 最大射程 2526公里/ 1569英里
  • 巡航速度 583公里/小时
  • 专门的客户经理
  • 没有义务
  • 30年以上工作经验
  • 可用的24/7

